All Men Should Watch Samantha Bee’s PSA About Penises
What: A fake PSA about the scourge of men and their genitals.
Who: Samantha Bee and the team at Full Frontal.
Why we care: Last week’s Harvey Weinstein bombshell in the New York Times (followed by this week’s New Yorker story) have set off a chain of events that will have lasting repercussions. Weinstein himself appears to be done, fired from his own company. (The company itself may be in trouble even without him, considering that the despicable truth is believed to have been known by many involved.) However, the problem goes way beyond one horrendously creepy man. Every industry has its Weinsteins. While some suggest the problem stems from the fact that women are even allowed to be in the position to get sexually harassed, assaulted, or worse, in the course of doing business, Samantha Bee reminds us it’s entirely the fault of men. Shitty, toxic men. In a new PSA from her show, the comedian explains why men should never take out their penises in front of a colleague or employee, let alone use them in any capacity. It’s funny for how incredibly unnecessary such a warning should be; it’s sad for how necessary it apparently is.
via Fast Company
October 12, 2017 at 10:25AM