IKEA Has Launched A Furniture Line For Pets http://ift.tt/2hBZTcE

http://ift.tt/2hBZTcE IKEA Has Launched A Furniture Line For Pets


IKEA Has Launched A Furniture Line For Pets

The LURVIG collection line introduces a brand new series of furniture items ideal for the family’s pet

IKEA created a new line of furniture for pets called LURVIG, dedicated to the furriest companion of the family. The furniture designs were developed with assistance from veterinarians.

The new collection works with many products that come IKEA, such as a bed that fits within a popular series of shelves found at the store. These items also keep within the standard price range with the products varying from a $5.00 slow feeder to a $49.99 pet bed. Some items were meant to preserve others made for humans like a cat scratching post that wraps around the leg of a table.

The LURVIG collection already launched on IKEA with 41 listed items for dogs and 34 for cats.












via PSFK http://www.psfk.com/

October 12, 2017 at 06:22AM