Mutual Funds Weekly: Here’s how Tony Robbins would choose a financial adviser
Don’t miss these top money and investing features:
This week’s digest focuses on some of the people you meet on the road to better investing.
Business strategist Tony Robbins, for one, encourages investors to grill a financial adviser before giving over any money and offers key questions to ask in an interview. Economics professor Richard Thaler also wants investors to sharpen their skills; his research on investor behavior won him this year’s Nobel Prize in Economics.
Check out a column by Robbins full of solid advice, read about how Thaler’s insights are being used by robo-advisers, and watch a report on how Thaler’s work has helped American workers add billions of dollars to their retirement accounts.
Tony Robbins: 7 questions you must ask to keep a financial adviser honest
Take charge of your money before giving it to a professional manager, Tony Robbins writes.
Tony Robbins: 7 questions you must ask to keep a financial adviser honest
How robo advisers put Richard Thaler’s Nobel-winning ideas into action
Attention to investing behavior can improve your financial life, writes Dan Egan.
How robo advisers put Richard Thaler’s Nobel-winning ideas into action
Many economists are still hostile to Nobel winner Richard Thaler’s work
Adding psychology to the study of economics muddies the waters, economists contend. Economics professor Robert Shiller reports..
Many economists are still hostile to Nobel winner Richard Thaler’s work
The odd trick that helps investors avoid damaging habits: nagging
Investors significantly increased returns upon being reminded of the all-too-human tendency to behave irrationally.
The odd trick that helps investors avoid damaging habits: nagging
The talks financial advisers need to have with aging clients — before it is too late
Financial advisers can’t afford to give aging clients the same service they received in their 50s and 60s.
The talks financial advisers need to have with aging clients — before it is too late
There’s a link between CEOs who torture the English language and poor stock performance
Research by S&P Global Market Intelligence connects executives’ comments on conference calls to subsequent stock action.
There’s a link between CEOs who torture the English language and poor stock performance
New ETF to only hold companies determined to be supportive to veterans
Investors looking for a way to indirectly support U.S. servicemen and women may soon have a new option they can enlist into their portfolios.
New ETF to only hold companies determined to be supportive to veterans
3 stocks that can double in four years
These small companies are poised to deliver hefty returns, says Osterweis Capital’s Jim Callinan.
3 stocks that can double in four years
Nobel winner has added billions to retirement accounts
The Nobel Prize in Economics winner, Richard Thaler, has helped people save billions of dollars for retirement.
Nobel winner may have added billions to retirement accounts
Join us in Los Angeles for a panel discussion on international investing
What do financial advisers need to know when considering overseas investments for their clients? That’s what our panel will discuss at a MarketWatch event on Tuesday, Oct. 24, in Los Angeles.
Join us in Los Angeles for a panel discussion on international investing
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