Fishing Haida Gwaii: Naked as a coho, happy as a fish jump

Fishing Haida Gwaii: Naked as a coho, happy as a fish jump
Fishing Haida Gwaii: Naked as a coho, happy as a fish jump

Fishing Haida Gwaii: Naked as a coho, happy as a fish jump

Fishing Haida Gwaii: Naked as a coho, happy as a fish jump

Darrell Oike bares all on the remote Haida Gwaii river.

I knew my options for landing the fish were wading in and getting my clothes soaked, or wading in naked. Given the circumstances of gorgeous weather and complete solitude, I opted for the latter. 

LINK (via: The Haida Gwaii Observer)


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via Moldy Chum

October 30, 2017 at 02:53AM