Tippets: Borger on “A River Runs Through It,” Tying Hook-Up Flies

Tippets: Borger on “A River Runs Through It,” Tying Hook-Up Flies
Tippets: Borger on “A River Runs Through It,” Tying Hook-Up Flies

Tippets: Borger on “A River Runs Through It,” Tying Hook-Up Flies


  • Twenty-five years after A River Runs Through It first appeared at the at the Sundance Film Festival, Jason Borger reflects on the film and sport. “Much has changed in our sport and our industry since the premier showing of that movie.  It is my own hope that “The Movie” ultimately raised a larger, more enduring awareness of our angling resources, and created a deeper connection for those who share the passion.” Via Fly Fisherman.
  • In this recent article in Fly Tyer magazine, Greg Heffner writes about three great patterns to tie that ride hook point up. “This configuration gives them at least a fighting chance to avoid snagging the bottom, which is important because that is where I fish them.”


via MidCurrent http://midcurrent.com

November 3, 2017 at 09:44AM