Tippets: Tying and Fishing Neutral Streamers, Flies for Arapaima, Guide’s Best Gear Picks

Tippets: Tying and Fishing Neutral Streamers, Flies for Arapaima, Guide’s Best Gear Picks
Tippets: Tying and Fishing Neutral Streamers, Flies for Arapaima, Guide’s Best Gear Picks

Tippets: Tying and Fishing Neutral Streamers, Flies for Arapaima, Guide’s Best Gear Picks


  • In this recent article, George Daniel, author of Strip-Set: Techniques, Tactics, & Patterns for Streamers, writes about how embracing natural buoyancy in fly designs has affected and improved his fishing techniques.While heavily weighted streamers have their place–and I fish these patterns frequently in pocket water–I rely heavily on neutral streamers when I’m fishing upstream.”
  • A good arapaima fly depends on the hook, says Oliver White. And “If you’re flying halfway across the world to catch the biggest fish of your life, it’s a good idea to pay attention to these small details that will make a big difference in your success,” writes Ross Purnell. Read more and watch a short video about tying flies for arapaima in this article via Fly Fisherman.
  • In this article, Morgan Mason, a fly fishing guide on the Middle and Lower Provo rivers, outlines his top gear picks of the year. From sunglasses and reels to coolers and watercraft, read more via Gear Junkie.


via MidCurrent http://midcurrent.com

November 4, 2017 at 06:54AM