Tippets: The American Rivers Tour, Fishing Small Streamers

Tippets: The American Rivers Tour, Fishing Small Streamers
Tippets: The American Rivers Tour, Fishing Small Streamers

Tippets: The American Rivers Tour, Fishing Small Streamers


  • In “The American Rivers Tour” chef Colin Ambrose roams the country in his vintage camper, meeting “with top local fishing guides and guest chefs who share his passion for fishing and the lore of the river.” View and read about his most recent stop, the Henrys Fork in Idaho.
  • Fishing small streamers can be one of the best tactics for late autumn conditions. In this article, Phil Monahan writes about some of his top pattern choices, presenting “a great way to cover a lot of water and to attract some of the biggest trout of the year.” Via Orvis.


via MidCurrent http://midcurrent.com

November 27, 2017 at 05:16AM