Tester, Bullock Bring B.C. Mining Concerns to Secretary Tillerson
Tester, Bullock Bring B.C. Mining Concerns to Secretary Tillerson
In an unprecedented show of state-and-federal solidarity on the issue, Gov. Steve Bullock and U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, both Montana Democrats, called upon U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to ramp up pressure on the Canadian government in order to address legacy impacts of transboundary pollution in the Kootenai River system.
As British Columbia’s downstream neighbor, Montana has reason to be concerned about toxic pollutants spilling across the international border and into the state’s prized watersheds, which support fish and wildlife, as well as a vibrant economy.
LINK (via: The Flathead Beacon)
The track record of Teck Metals, one of the mines in the region, speaks for itself.
via Moldy Chum http://ift.tt/2qbahiy
December 1, 2017 at 01:05AM