In the West, fishing is more regulated than buying a gun

In the West, fishing is more regulated than buying a gun
In the West, fishing is more regulated than buying a gun

In the West, fishing is more regulated than buying a gun

In the West, fishing is more regulated than buying a gun

When Marty Jones wrote this piece post the Las Vegas mass shooting little did he know that just a few weeks later we’d be dealing with our next mass shooting.

As the West’s elected officials wrestle with how to protect us from gun violence in the aftermath of the Las Vegas nightmare, two things come to mind. First, these leaders are not actually wrestling with the issue of how to protect us from gun violence. If they were, the solution would be as clear as a mountain stream: Treat people more like fish.

Because here in the West, fish get far more protection than people.

LINK (via: High Country News)


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via Moldy Chum

November 6, 2017 at 12:55AM