In Photos: The Canadian Mining Boom You’ve Never Seen Before

In Photos: The Canadian Mining Boom You’ve Never Seen Before
In Photos: The Canadian Mining Boom You’ve Never Seen Before

In Photos: The Canadian Mining Boom You’ve Never Seen Before

In Photos: The Canadian Mining Boom You’ve Never Seen Before

Transboundary mining map by Carol Linnitt

B.C. and Alaska share some of the world’s most productive salmon rivers. However, the region is also home to some of the largest untapped gold and copper reserves in the world.

So while the fly fishing industry has been focusing on that one large proposed mine in Bristol Bay, there has been a mining boom in British Columbia that threatens our shared salmon rivers.

This enlightening photo essay will give you a perspective on the scale of these mines and their proximity to Alaskans who, living downstream, fear they may unfairly suffer the consequences of another Mount Polley style accident.

LINK (via DESMOG Canada)




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via Moldy Chum

November 8, 2017 at 01:47AM