Podcast: Switch vs Spey, with Pete Kutzer
Podcast: Switch vs Spey, with Pete Kutzer
Written by: Phil Monahan
I get repeated questions about the differences between switch and Spey: people are often interested in two-handed fly fishing but not sure which set up they need. Even though I think I have answered this question before, I thought it was time for a fresh look, so I asked the incomparable Pete Kutzer, Orvis casting instructor and YouTube star, for his advice. Pete is a very serious two-handed angler and just got back from a couple steelhead rivers on the West Coast, so the topic was fresh in his mind. I hope it helps to answer some of your questions.
In the Fly Box, questions are wide-ranging–casting accuracy, dropper flies tangling, flashing trout, Atlantic salmon guides, and trout short-striking streamers. Plus, an interesting tip on what may be an interesting way of sharpening hooks.
If you don’t see the “Play” button above, click here to listen.
This entry was posted in Fly Fishing and tagged fly-casting tips, fly-fishing podcasts on October 20, 2017 .
via Fly Fishing – Orvis News http://ift.tt/1cDUarV
October 20, 2017 at 08:33AM