Tippets: Tie Like a Pro Series, Orvis Sets 50/50 Goal

Tippets: Tie Like a Pro Series, Orvis Sets 50/50 Goal
Tippets: Tie Like a Pro Series, Orvis Sets 50/50 Goal

Tippets: Tie Like a Pro Series, Orvis Sets 50/50 Goal


  • In the first episode of the Tie Like a Pro web series, Gunnar Brammer explains the basics of tying and thread control. “Topics include proper hook placement, casting on, thread base, thread tension, spinning threads, pinch/set/and lock wraps, and different threads used for streamer tying.” View here.
  • Orvis has announced its goal to increase the number of women in fly-fishing. By the year 2020 they have a goal of 50-percent participation, an ambitious goal given women currently make up just 30 percent of anglers. “In order to hit it, Orvis, in addition to launching a new line of gear, is spearheading an array of initiatives designed to welcome women into one of the most male-dominated outdoor sports.” Via Outside Online.


via MidCurrent http://midcurrent.com

October 22, 2017 at 06:33AM