Here is a note from Lefty Kreh
From American Angler
an edited note from Lefty Kreh:
To my friends,
I was 92 in January and had a carotid artery operation. During testing the hospital determined my heart was only pumping 35% and must limit my physical activities followed by a rest. The industry was extremely helpful, and last season I was able to attend the shows, clinics, etc.
Several weeks ago, I realized I was developing another problem, which is normal for someone nearly 93. It turns out I have congested heart failure. My pacemaker revealed there was a series of very rapid hear beats, which could cause a stroke. Fortunately, a lot of doctors/friends are fly-fisherman and worked with me. In summary, I have to give up travel and presentations as in the past.
Everyone produces a certain amount of fluid in the body and excretes the excess. Because of the low heartbeat my body is not getting rid of all the fluids and I gained weight. My best friend Dr. Mark Lamos put me in the hospital and with a procedure they twice removed a liter and a half of fluid from my chest. After five days in the hospital. I lost weight.
A week or so later I starting gaining weight again so it was back in the hospital for the same treatment. They reduced most of the fluid and returned home. I determined I was not going to continue back to the hospital. Mark decided to use medicine to control the excess fluid. It’s been a fine-tuning situation but looks like it’s starting work.
This means the schedule I lived for decades is no longer valid and will spend most my time at home. As we get older we learn to adjust to what we can and cannot do. I have a number of interesting projects on the computer and I am busier than a Syrian bricklayer. I’m not frustrated and I’m content my problem is, I don’t have a lot of stamina and have to work around that. If Marks medical system works I should be busy and around for a year or two.
I would like to be able to send this email to my friends but I don’t really know how to do this. So I’m asking others to help me spread the word through email. Because my lack of energy and stamina, I’m having trouble answering emails (there are more than 400 on the computer) and not talking much on the phone. This is not meant to be unfriendly, it is learning to adjust to my situation.
In summary, I’m busy and content, but I want you to know I am so appreciative you’ve have shared your lives with me.
All The Best Friends,
via This is Fly Daily http://ift.tt/1kcN8QB
October 28, 2017 at 08:33AM