New Fly Fishing Books
- Cutthroat: A Journey Through the American West by Michael Graybrook documents the author’s travels to catch, release, and photograph, native cutthroat trout of the Western states. “Collected in this new clothbound book are large exquisitely reproduced photographs of all of the subspecies of cutthroat trout, stunning habitat images of streams, rivers, lakes, and the unspoiled areas of the West, along with Graybrook’s vividly told stories of his adventures.” Foreword by John Gierach. Scott & Nix, Inc. [Hardcover] (April 1, 2018).
- Kayak Fly Fishing: Everything You Need to Know to Start Catching Fish by Ben Duchesney is a complete guide to one of the fastest growing segments in the sport, covering techniques, gear and rigging, strategies, and choosing the right boat. Also highlighted is advice from professionals such as Pat Cohen, Brian Cadoret, and Conway Bowman. Stackpole Books [Paperback],(November 1, 2017).
- Essential Trout Flies: 50 Indispensable Patterns with Step-by-Step Instructions for 300 Most Useful Variations by Dave Hughes is a classic book for any tier. Hughes “cuts through the complicated choices and gives a basic selection of essential trout flies that fit in a fly box or two and cover the broad spectrum of trout fishing conditions.” This new edition features new material and patterns as well as new pattern variations. Stackpole Books [Paperback]; 2 edition (October 20, 2017).
via MidCurrent http://midcurrent.com
October 30, 2017 at 05:48AM